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One Of the Largest Untapped Copper Deposits in the United States

Multi-Metal Development (TSXV:MLY) is the largest shareholder of Idaho Copper.Idaho Copper seeks to capitalize on the looming copper supply deficit by advancing one of the largest untapped copper...

Bald Eagle Gold Corp’s Hot Springs Property is a Highly Prospective Asset for Epithermal Deposits

Bald Eagle Gold Corp. ( TSX – V: BIG ) recently went public on the TSX Venture Exchange, sparking a great deal of interest in their flagship Hot Springs Property in Humboldt County, Nevada. One of the reasons the asset is so promising is that both historical data and modern ...

Gatling Exploration Aiming to Prove Three Deposits All Part of One System

The company is starting off with a resource of close to a million ounces of gold before drilling. Gatling Exploration Inc.'s (GTR:TSX.V; GATGF:OTCQX) Larder gold project is located in Ontario on the Cadillac Larder fault in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt, 35 km east of ...

Elephant country gold deposits

A 0.25% increase to India’s bank rate last Friday coincided with a major reversal in the currency markets. The rupee closed out the day even against the US$, which had reversed its recent slide and gained against most other currencies. Over the past year the ...

27.3M Oz Gold Equivalent Discovery in BC’s Golden Triangle And They’re Just Scratching the Surface

B.C.’s prolific Golden Triangle is often referred to as “Elephant Country” given the intensity of mineral showings and deposits located there and because of the sheer scale of many of those deposits in this politically mining friendly jur...

MXR seeking sedimentary copper in Colombia

West of Glen Canyon, Utah, a 90-million-year-old secret is hidden beneath the dry, desolate landscape. What is now one of the largest sand-dune deserts in the world, was once the middle of a vast inland ocean. Plying the waters of the Western Inland Seaway , a human transpo...

BC’s Quesnel Trough: 1000km of Mineral Potential

The Quesnel Trough, also known as the Quesnel Terrane, is a Triassic/Jurassic-age arc of volcano sedimentary and intrusive rocks that hosts a number of alkalic copper-gold porphyry deposits with copper gold and silver values and sometimes molybdenum. The Trough runs north...

Sitka Gold: Exploring gold, silver and copper properties of merit

Our next company is a well-funded mineral exploration company focused on exploring economically viable mineral deposits. Sitka Gold has four projects, but today we will dive into the RC Gold Project in the Yukon and the Alpha Gold Property in Nevada to see what&CloseC...

Gold miners and explorers face serious supply problems

Major gold mining companies are facing a dilemma—declining production as the gold price is hitting record levels. Junior gold explorers are confronting a similar dilemma—fewer legitimate exploration properties with the real potential to host a major economic deposit. This un...

Robust Gold, Silver Projects & Promising Drill Results

(Click to play video.) Affinity Metals Corp. ( TSX-V: AFF , Forum ) is focused on the acquisition, exploration, and development of strategic metal deposits within North America. Affinity is following a hybrid approach of combining the advancement of stra...
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