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Tax loss selling…is it a good time for investors?

Every year on Black Friday, shoppers anticipate great deals and are lined out the door to get a discount on a TV or on a much needed appliance. Buyers will go to many lengths, including camping outside the store to be the first in or even trampling on other shoppers to get t...

Daily Gold News: Friday, June 5 – Gold Selling Off After Nonfarm Payrolls’ Positive Surprise

The gold futures contract gained 1.33% on Thursday, as it retraced most of its Wednesday’s decline of 1.7%. On Monday the price has reached slightly above $1,760 and Wednesday’s daily low fell at $1,690.30. Gold is still trading within a mediu...

As Stocks Fell Through the Floor Yesterday, Is the Selling Over Now?

After a two-day flirt with breaking below the short-term bearish technical formation, stocks finally declined yesterday. Well before the closing bell though, the bulls stepped in and erased most of the plunge that happened during the first hour of trading. Has it been all ther...

Oil Upswing Attempt Gives Way to Renewed Selling

The overall situation in the short term remains almost unchanged as crude oil futures keep trading at around Tuesday’s levels. But can we glean more insights from today’s opening prices? Although crude oil futures opened today with a ...

Research In Motion (RIMM) stock vulnerable to more selling

Continued improvement in the global economy helped propel Wall Street to rather impressive gains last year. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) added 18.8% for the year, while the S&P 500 Index (SPX) vaulted some 23.5% higher. The Nasdaq Composite (COMP), however, put it...

Stocks’ Earnings Play – Buying Rumors, Selling Facts?

Stocks retraced their Thursday’s advance on Friday, as investors continued to hesitate following the recent record-breaking rally. The S&P 500 index got back below the 3,000 mark again, following bouncing off the resistance level. Is this a topping pattern or j...

Tax-Loss Selling Drives Down Junior Stock Prices

Vista Gold Corp. (VGZ:NYSE.MKT; VGZ:TSX, US$0.59) has published an updated prefeasibility study (PFS) on its Mt Todd project in the Northern Territories in Australia, the largest undeveloped gold project in that country. The revisions to the old PFS include updating bo...

Yes, the Waterfall Selling in S&P 500 Is Over Now

Just as I called for, there wasn't much S&P 500 downside left, and I am hugely profitable on the upside reversal from near yesterday's premarket lows. That's quite a turn in momentum, isn't it? So, is the correction in the last throws? I would certainly say so in terms of ...

Hedge fund disasters are hurting the gold price

The price of gold has been kept down by hedge fund redemptions. These redemptions will end in a week and after that a nasty hand that has been holding the price of gold down will be lifted. As we begin this New Year news is starting to trickle out demonstrating that hedge fu...

Are Institutions Selling Into This Rally?

SIGNS OF WEAKNESS - MARCH 2000 The weekly chart below shows NYSE volume associated with advancing issues less volume associated with declining issues (NYUD). During the topping process in 1999-2000, notice how NYUD made a discernible lower high relative to the S&P 500’s ...
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