Living in Canada one is by default affected by US political turmoil, even if it is just on emotional level.  Sad to see a great nation (my opinion) going through this kind of social unrest instigated by inept leader. I’m also saddened by USA giving up its role on world arena mainly as a ‘World Policemen’ where created vacuum allowed thugs like Puttin to fill the void. Prosper world needs US to prosper & vice versa. This call for ‘America first’ is simply cancer that could destroy America. The remaining question is …. are Joe and Pamela up to the task as an alternative; I think yes but we will just have to see.
Is my KNT position (and all other investments) strong enough to survive few more days in this ‘spooked market’….I think yes. It appears that gold has failed as a ‘safe heaven’ since most gold stocks are also declining; maybe because there is really no reason to run for safety?