You don't get itI'll try to make it simple.
The stock will be at 75 cents or less the whatever day they expire.
Absolutely no question.
Because of the very fact that these 4 million warrants can't be sold because they don't trade guarantees that the ONLY way for warrant owners to monetize any gain is to sell the stock above 75 cents.
It's a covered short.
Not a naked short.
I'm not talking about shorting per-se, I'm talking about arbing a certain profit.
People who own these warrants can sell the stock BEFORE they buy it for 75 cents.
It's actually very simple.
Then those people with warrants who haven't sold the stock won't bother exercising them when the stock is 76
Then the whole warrant hype will fail miserably.
The $3 million coming in from the much hyped warrant financing ( hahahahaha. After 12 news releases in 6 weeks ) is doomed to fail.
It will fail miserably.
It already is.
This is the end
my friend.