Read this. Moral of the story, a 60yr old buy high, sell low grifter has taken it upon himself to live an alias, pointless, disruptive life. He chose it and he's now met his match. Thank him for problematic scenario. All he had to do was act his age. This isn't going away. Just the beginning in fact. 

bIaggers wrote:Real deal. Much, much more to this story. 

ANTID0TE wrote: FYI. That is not the REAL Implications that you replied to. It's a copied handle. The individual that copied it is  the banned highrider2, who also posts under RagingBull255, BuyOrSell77, elvishasnotleft, verygood007. Don't be fooled by this impersonator. He's the laughing stock of stockhouse and will deflect at all costs when caught posting under aliases, buying high and selling low or replying, rep'n himself. RagingBull255's recent rant here was his latest meltdown. I've read on other boards that he is under investigation for posting defamatory comments. I sent a message to the original Implications to inform him that his username was being used on the this board. He replied back that his lawyers are working in conjunction with another lawyer in Vancouver that have been working stockhouse and that they are all still gathering information. Supposedly this guy has got endless amounts of cash and is going to make an example out of him. 

watch22 wrote: Hi ImpIications... you are riled up.   But the loss was largely from share compensation (options / RSUs etc.).  These are corporate expenses... they go UP with the share price... and they are taken at corporate location (Canada) regardless of location of compensee.

So please... READ the financial statements... understand them... and don't just spout off.
