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Bullboard - Stock Discussion Forum Nano Dimension Ltd NNDM

Nano Dimension Ltd, former ZBI Ltd, is an Israel-based company active in the technology sector. The Company operates as a provider of intelligent machines for the fabrication of Additively Manufactured Electronics (AME). Its portfolio solutions ranging from Additively Manufactured Electronics (AME), Printed Electronics (PE), Micro Additive Manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence (AI) deep... see more

Bullboard (NDAQ:NNDM)

Post by LuckyMeLuckyYouon Jan 14, 2021 1:12pm

B i NGO!!!!

Bionana Genomics Inc. (BNGO: Nasdaq) Hit a new 52wk high today of $7.95 USD, up $2.32 from yesterdays close of $5.63 USD.