RE: Harry Schultz Hello, $3000?Who is Harry Schultz ?
Chevalier Harry D. Schultz, KHC, KM, KCPR, KCSA, KCSS, is the highest paid investment consultant in the world at US$2,400/hour—US$3,400/hour on weekends (International Edition Guinness Book of Records 1981-2000.)
(While Mr. Schultz is not listed in the year 2004 edition of the Guinness Book of Records, he did receive a very thoughtful letter from the publishers explaining why. It seems they have 80,000 different records in their database. But they only have space for 3,500 in each edition. So they must rotate which are listed, which are not, each year. They assured to Mr. Schultz that he is still the titleholder of the Highest Paid Investment Consultant, a title he's held consecutively for the last 24 years.)
Mr. Schultz is regularly quoted in books, articles, and interviews and by other newsletters (the "alternative press"). Arthur Hailey, a longtime personal friend and HSL subscriber, based his character Lewis Dorsey in the bestseller The Moneychangers, directly on Harry Schultz. Harry has lived for extended periods in 18 nations, and shorter periods in many others. Knighted five times, Harry is a man for all seasons and a true citizen of the world.