Brutal Clubbing Paulson is a no bs manipulator of the highest degree. He has the Fed intermediaries, media and Treasury all pulling together in a masterful orchestrated takedown.
This takedown was so clever in the way they do 3 days of takedown, two days of flatline and then resumption of takedown that I guess will last at least 3 days. The flatline period acts like the eye of the hurricane where astute traders that had sold before or early into the takedown come back and buy what they think is a bottom. Then slam !!! They get the second wave.
This takedown is extremely effective in demoralizing PM investors. However, if silver goes below $10.00, I will use 50 % of my remaining money to buy metal. That is the only way to take down the monsters (New York Banks / Brokerages).
These Fed Intermediaries have come to "rescue" of our current and past(Clinton) administrations by holding up the economy enough so that incumbents can get re-elected. This denial/illusion economy can only be sustained by selling out all our tommorrows for another today. They do this with coordinated manipulation to help hold up walking dead stocks like General Motors and then trash commodity stocks like gold/silver/copper issues.....
In return, the Fed ignores their illegal activities, so they get a license to steal as much money as they want with impunity..... It is easy to make money when you know with certainty what is going to happen next. It is also very illegal and desperate.