trivia /James Bay Lowlands/ DeBeers..Debeers the world's largest diamond producer is
-due to start up her Victor Diamond mine in the 1st part of 2008 at a cost of $1 billion
-maintains a seasonal winter road from Moosenee; to coastal settlement of Attawapistat then 90 klicks inland to the Victor mine
-cut a deal with KWG to put through water lines and service roads through KWG claims; in exchange allowing KWG access to the road to Moosenee and railhead
-Victor mine is hooked up to Ontario hydro grid; again via Moosenee; switching stations and extra needed infrastruction is all paid for by DeBeers
-85 % of Attawpistaticans voted in favor of the mine
-Ont G'ovt lambasted Debeers with a 13% Royality tax out of the blue instead of the expected 5%
-Natives concerned that this may impacted on the profit sharing agreement they have with DeBeers
-Timmins Chamber of Commerces in full support of Victor Mine
- mine will provide approx 400 jobs and related services business oportunities
-In ensense Debeers is doing all the pioneering work that BMK will eventually benifit from
p.s. the cluster of 18 kimberlites found on the Debeer claims;16 are diamondiferious
(BMK kims have yet to be drill)
Good nite all; I'm hitting the sack