Today''s rap up, er, wrap up...Dear karitn: test failed, please try again.
Dear sed1017: No
Dear rythman: Regarding test results, maybe you should... Nah, never mind. It's been explained enough.
Dear LargeInvest: Finally, something approaching wisdom, "Lipid sciences is a joke by the way." although it's never wise to disrespect the enemy. The rest, Large, as usual, pure nonsense. How would you know if any of this is shorting, how would you know what the pharmas are thinking, how can you expose yourself in such a manner? And I love this answer to this question, "Guess who's selling today?" Answer, wait for it, ta da, this is too funny, it's, "Anonymous". That's who! Anonymous! If I ever bump into that Anonymous, am I ever gonna tell him/her/them/you/it a thing or six.
Dear Afraid Folks: Stop
Dear Conspiracy Theorists: As soon as I stop laughing I will ask you, "So what?"
Dear Stouthearted Folks: Raining off and on here today, but I'm going golfing anyway. You know, a little rain could ruin a guy's day.
Dear RVX: Do whatcha gotta do to git 'er done. I'm good here. Going golfing.
Dear Amorak: Memo to self, "Do not book tee-off times more than a couple of hours in advance. Hot day for RVX imminent, you won't want to miss it."