RE: Getting scared?FEAR and GREED drive these markets. Right now, FEAR is ruling the roost. PERFECT time to dive in. I added to my position this morning, SIGNIFICANTLY, even though up until today, may average in cost was less than .30 cents. I cost averaged up! I just think there are too many good qualities to this stock. YES, I do wish they would work nite and day and through bathroom breaks....whatever it takes to get the financials done so we can move on. An AMEX listing, following in the shoes of Paramount would be the icing on the cake.
What you see in the markets is the BLOW OFF of all the INSANE excess of the last few DECADES. You gotta laugh at the irony of the BANKS, BROKERAGES and other "insiders" being left as the BAGHOLDERS this time around. Considering the screwing the avg. Joe Blow has had at the hands of these thieves over the last...HOW MANY DECADES???
Keep adding liquidity to the market Mr. Bernanke!!! THROWING FUEL ON THE BONFIRE??? I think so. This ought to get REAL interesting. When and IF the dim little light bulbs ever illuminate in the minds of the SHEEPLE, AU, AG, and the rest will blast to the moon!