A good point has been made concerning the fact that HUSKY is the majority owner and operator and that they call the shots, not IFR or PRD. The minority plays are just along for the ride and to pay in and/or share in any future rewards. So maybe BOSWELL did not want to talk too much about the ENBRIDGE option ... or maybe it was mentioned but the reporter left it out or wanted to keep the theme of "stranded resources" in the article.
My point was, and again, some of this may be attributable to the print journalist .... but you walk away from the article thinking all these resources are stranded and the fact is IFR's are not, yet MGM's are.
That all being said, MGM has reserves and I think more cash in the bank and a higher market cap .... and thus, the day the MAC pipeline is announced it will soar ...
IFR needs some good news out of both the NORTH SEA and NWT ... and then soon, we will be in the same league.
PS PACIFIC RODERA was named CASEY's sole top new pick in Jan, 2008 based on mgmt., cash in bank, future acquisitions, and the NWT plays.