You don't seem to understand basics. You seem to think that ISM and LBE are the same, because they're in the same area - what's good for ISM is good for LBE. You don't get it, do you? They're very different companies.
ISM has a relatively small land base, with a stated plan of being taken over by another company. To date it hasn't done enough exploration to prove out a resource that another company might be interested in - and not surprisingly the only talk of another company being interested is the Howe Street innuendo that someone is interested, or as the CEO mentioned - someone said hi at the PDAC booth. It could well be twisting in the wind, waiting for a take-over a year from now.
Under the old management, LBE was similar to ISM - some old properties that had indication of possible continuing value - treading water with the only ones benefitting being existing management, and traders that might make a buck on the shares at someone's else's expense. Then LBE had the good fortune to be put under the current management with a business plan to explore, develop and turn the company into a producing, profitable mining company. In less than three years it has achieved its goals and in less than a year from now will be a very profitable producer with internal cash flow to expand the company to mid tier status. An amazing story!
There are people, like you, that are so dense they are willing to downplay the tremendous achievement of Dr. Nash and Liberty. Like you, in order to try and make a point that doesn't stand on its own, they find it necessary to lie. They also make inane comments about management having to adapt its plan to accommodate events over which it had no control. Of course in so doing, they only exhibit their own ignorance, but because of their ignorance - they don't realize this. Some of these wannabee know-nothings pretend that they were harmed because things didn't go exactly as planned two years ago - not realizing that by nature, business circumstances change as time progresses. You for instance say you're still waiting for promise made two years ago - when LBE was 66 cents. Just what were you promised two years ago, that hasn't or isn't being delivered, on as expeditious a timetable as possible? Nothing! But you over-rate your own importance to the extent that you think you could do better than Dr. Nash - and to prove it you refer to "How much did Gary pay Salman Partners for their $6.50 TARGET last year." When challenged on this lie, you take the coward's way out - you don't respond.
The unfortunate thing is that small-minded liars like you can benefit from the efforts of people like Dr. Nash. You may even escape your investment in ISM without a major loss. And all this while investing in an industry that you understand so poorly, you say that ISM not doing a 43-101 is basically admitting LBE has no nickel! That's brilliant cadomin - except for the fact that LBE sold $12 million nickel last month - most would admit they must have nickel, if they're selling it!
cadomin, now that you've got this far - remember to post that you didn't read this and don't have time to reply - another coward's trick!