I'm not on here to bash FNI, you're responding to spray, who is a low level illiterate that has it in for Liberty and is a bagholder in ISM. He's attempting to stir things up between LBE and FNI, by playing FNI against LBE. In the past there were a couple of posters hanging out on this forum, who enjoyed taking shots at LBE. They had both been embarrassed on the LBE forum, and thought they could get away with some LBE bashing, hiding on this forum. They encouraged a few FNI supporters to join in on the LBE bashing, by making statements on which they were uninformed. This resulted in an ongoing debate between the bashers and supporters of the two companies - the bashers were silenced and the FNI supporter that spoke without knowing the facts was silenced.
You seem to have taken this tack also - having made reference to LBE infrastructure problem and and problems for LBE if the Ni price drops. You are obviously uninformed as LBE has no infrastructure problems, their mine sites are in good working condition, their equipment is in very good order, and their mill is state of the art. This along with cost conscious management will make them a very efficient low cost producer, able to be profitable at much lower Ni prices if need be. If you wish to debate this point, I would be quite willing to do it on this forum, or you are certainly welcome to discuss it on one of the Liberty forums. However, I would suggest that before making statements such as you have recently, you be willing to back them up with factual references - checking your facts would have saved you making these two erroneous comments.
I have no desire to waste time in this fashion again, however I will if need be. I might add that if you are sympathetic to FNI, you may wish to avoid these exchanges.
As for spray, he is a worthless whiner - upset over getting burned in ISM. He doesn't know that LBE and FNI aren't neighbours, and thinks FNI is mining the Shaw Dome. He's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, and is borderline illiterate. If he is ignored on this forum, the LBE supporters know him for what he is, and will help FNI rid your forum of this trash, by also ignoring him. We have a couple of barrels of Febreez left from cleaning up after he visited our forum, and would be glad to lend it to you. If on the other hand, if you wish to encourage him by joining in the LBE bash, we would be pleased to come over and join the party.