Bashing [Surething]surething,
The hope of a new career in mole loading at the Kelowna County Fair ended up being a non-starter. I checked it out and was told that in the years they had the attraction, they had to lay off the mole reloader - nothing to do. There was some interest to start with, but they only lost two moles - one bashed by an out of towner that got lost and dropped by the fair grounds because there was some movement there, the sidewalks were rolled up in the rest of town - and one died of old age. This year the booth is being rented to a career recruiter for B.C. Ferries.
I guess the mole bashing is just not the type of recreation the chaps in Kelowna like. The guy I checked with said he thinks it didn't fit the psyche of Kelownians - slow moving, half-blind rodents are more of a challenge than they look for. I guess they have a bit of an inferiority complex already, and don't like to risk more defeats. He was telling me that no one was into duck hunting out there, until they changed to a spring season - now they have a fair number of the boys with duck calls and shotguns. They use the calls to scare off the nesting pairs, and the gun butt to bash the eggs. He said that three tile scrabble was also very popular, and Pin the Tail on the Donkey showed signs of popularity after they discarded the blindfolds - but has died off due to some nasty injuries resulting from mistaken identity.
So Surething, I guess I'm stuck with ISM bashing for a while longer. We'll just have to hope they send over some fresh pumpers here - fabio's mind has been nibbled away to nothing by those mind moths, and wailer acts like he's been about 75% lobotomized by the mind moths. Cheerleading Central thought they'd found the cure when a number of moribund moths were found around the check/spray/cadomin compound at the boiler room - but the autopsies showed it was malnutrition.
Well, back to the grind.