Frustration or FearI mentioned to stones that I thought the frustration was all with ISM supporters - LBE supporters are mainly just patient, and quietly confident. At LBE we know that completion of the business plan is less than a year away, and that its going to happen. We're already started on the next phases - they get exciting because they can be covered, depending on magnitude, by cash flow - and the bottom line is covered by phase 1 - added revenue streams are all gravy. AT LBE we may be impatient to see the day arrive, but we at least know its going to arrive.
I thought ISMers were frustrated with lack of management performance - which they should be. Now its beginning to look more like fear than just frustration. Stones has convinced me, that he's willing to ride it out - that's great. He's one of the few here that seems to know what he's gotten in to, what he expects, the risks involved, and he's able to admit blunders have been made and he's willing to live with them. Stones is a grown boy, and he's realistic. But some of the cheerleaders that are here based on the hype and shill work that was so overdone - are getting scared. And the shills are showing fear too - they can see that the sheeple they herded up in the spring 07 promotion are getting skittish. The desperation is becoming evident - fabio1/rocksolid, cadomin, and spray/check are running wild trying to keep those blinders on the herd - they have even set up a millright imposter who hopes the coming LBE success can be rubbed off on the ISM herd - the old baloney about what's good for one is good for all in the Shaw Dome. Even Abie tried to promote that there was a new discovery - his story was so ridiculous it died on the vine, in spite of endorsement from the God Father beerbelly.
The fear and lack of trust is evident - the increase in posts from the shills and main cheerleaders, the decrease in appearances from some of the old supporters. Soon this forum will consist only of fabio1, check, wailer and tiny tonyg siting around holding hands, with tiny tonyg saying long and strong - wailer saying the bottom is in [again] - and check and fabio1 trying to coordinate a high five. It will be like the tomb wailer runs at A G O R A, where wailer has to high five himself.
Its all understandable, the market is a little scary right now, and at times like this you start looking closer to home - at leadership. LBE supporters have a knowledgeable mining team in management, under leadership of a trustworthy leader who is getting things done. ISM management seem confused and disorganized, a few questionable moves is about all they've accomplished in the last while, no communication over a string of delays that seem avoidable - with their leader having accomplished little that is awe inspiring, and that shady past hanging over him. Not exactly the comfort you're looking for if there's some fear about getting things turned around before its too late.
Yeah, the more I see, the more it looks like the Frustration is turning into Fear. Maybe ahh....Randy....ahh, should admit that all the time he's burning up running that Jasper mining operation has got the best of him. He should outsource some of his duties and get Girl Friday or Mail Boxes, Etc to organize the AGM for him.