another fact of the companies futureAnother one of the companies factor and the reasont that they are get contract from califoria is the fact that califoria has the high level of emmission control in north america. The fact is you can not drive a brand new tractor trailer from michican adn drive into califoria they will stop you at the border and then you must hire a transportation companies in califoria to haul your good from the border to the location in califoria. The reason is that some of the veh there are to thier emission standard adn some are not but, come under a granfather clause. The emission of westport/cmi engine exceed the 2010 califoria standard so the problem of double shipping is removed. I know this because I use to work for a major canadian trucking company. Let tnot mention the name just the fact that they are running the rainbow andyone that truck will understand what I am talking about. Now let take a step in another direction but, i believe that this information will apply to our stock.
In 1980 canada had the best water wemeasure concentration at 1 million part adn the americans measured at 100 of thousands. Then califoria adopted canada million part adn pushed that up and now califoria is considered the best water in the world adn the most environmental sound place to live because of the regulation on water air smog emission etc. Well there is now talk going on between teh state of adopting califoria standard all over north america which, will mean the call for this engine in all larger cities in the state will need to meet the standard by 2010 with a 5 yrs, say grandfather clause, for tractor it is about 3 yrs because of milege all veh will be running these new engines by 2015. With the americian buy america cmi is our ticket to glory and our defence agianst the bigger badder wolf