RE: Well boys and girls, be careful with this oneXST has never had a working GPS system....GPS stands for global positioning system...its based on the fact that you would require a satellite (or sat. time rental from an existing company). Guess what, XST has no such system in place, and their business is strictly radio (phone and ask), and see what kind of 'muddy' answers you get.
I am not a basher, I made my money, and IMHO its way overvalued now, especially since the number of free trading shares more than doubled since the .25 financing, during which all the insiders, their friends, dirty borkers (which are doing the hyping now)etc. loaded up on really cheap stock. How much they manage to hype the stock will determine how high it will go....Its in their best interest to get the price as high as possible since they hold ALOT of stock....millionaires have been made already. Certain 'ex-directors' have hundreds of thousands of shares etc... (I have been unable to determine FOR SURE if the shares issued in the financing are now free trading, the dates I was getting were at the end of Feb....).
Their assets are very week, and their earnings so far are only the 12 million in 3 or 4 years (I cant remember...getting old you know) contracts they have been hyping and preaching about for the past year and some.
Cellular, yes, but as far as I know, the system was still in development (ie they are most likely going to buy the technology from someone else), and you still have to triangulate to get an accurate position ;~)
There is better technolgy today anyway, using radio and distribution nets with local amplifiers, but that requires rental space, antenas etc to be installed throughout differing areas (or shared with existing ones), however, XST is not using this newer technology either (yet).
I may enter a very limited postion as a high risk never know which way this one will go. They have a promoter on board now, so it will be interesting.
Its like any tech stock these days could go to $10 on hype alone with no real value.
just curious, why did you think it would go to $15??? Thats the highest target I have seen yet.
All info given is strictly the opinion of the poster, and should not viewed as factual.