RE: LMAO @ Lopsided's "list"Yes, it is true that the deposits in Southern Africa have lower wages. However, you ignore the increase in valuation of the South African Rand and thus the effect on currency. It is far more than $1/day labour in Botswana and South Africa. Both are democratic nations and aparthied is dead 15 years. Also, it is mechanized mining there as well, gasoline and machinery bought in Africa costs the same if not more than over here in North America.
You also ignore the Canadian deposits mention on my list: the Ekati, Victor, and some of the Diavik pipes. Sable, Panda, and Koala at the Ekati mine in the Northwest Territories all have grades <1.5 c/t..
For the other side of things: the Arygle pipe is Australia has a grade of over 5.5 c/t, but its diamond value is far less (<$50/c) as most are brown.
What professional experience do you have such that you can quote mining costs of $100/t, double from what accredited engineers have given? Are you a geologist, mining engineer, consultant, analyst? What is your backgroud that gives you such expert training.
What sort of education do you have to back such claims?
And please, drop the name calling, we are all adults here and such behaviour is quite puerile.