Email from PierreThe other day I emailed Mr. Lauren and specifically asked him if the current market turmoil has affected negotiations surrounding PBI1402. In my question, I inquired about delays or whether the parties were looking for further concessions. For what it is worth, here was his reply. To his credit, he replied within a couple of hours of my sending out my email.
Dear David,
Thank you for your emailand question. The meltdown characterize pretty well the situation.
Whatwill save the day is indeed the factv that we do have a growing protein businessthat is finally getting some traction. This makes us a quite different "animal"to look at: deals with Glaxo, Pfizer, Boeringher, Abbott, Novazyme, SanofiAventis, Kedrion, Abraxis, Macopharma, Octapharma, Sartorius...keeps everyoneguessing...
The landscape always influences deal making. I would sayhowever that the stand off between the FDA and EPO manufacturer, black boxwarning label in cancer patients, growing concerns Serious Adverse Events overrhEPO used to drive high levels of Hemoglobin in anemia patients have much moreimpact on deal making discussions. Pharma needs innovation in smaller companiesand smaller companies need the $ from the bigger guys. Simple fix in theory.From theory to practice however, there is no simulator available to train anyoneto navigate in thse kind of unchartered waters...
Did you have the chanceto listen to the Q3 webcast. I provided some answers to similar question. Wehave also promised a more indepth update on 1402 in a near future.
Hopethis helps.
Best regards
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