What pumpers won't tell youIf every jughead company claiming IP rights was successful in their demand for licensing fees, wireless would be unaffordable. WIN is just one in a long line of companies claiming IP rights.
WIN's lack of recognition has been noticeable:
1) The highly-touted Early Licensing Program, a so-called infringer amnesty program, was such a failure that WIN management signed a license with themselves, then it was revealed after media pressure that it was one of their own soon-to-be-trading-halted companies;
2) No industry heavyweight has acquired WIN despite their very public claims to own the very air that we breathe;
3) The orchestrator of the "save Wilan" movement, the ever-expanding waistline himself, the man who never met a chocolate eclair he didn't like, Sir Eat-a-lot, the Master of Masticating, the caloric intake King, Supperman, made $20 forecasts (presumably with a fried chicken leg in his mouth) and has now disappeared, unwilling to take the ridicule.
4) The industry giants who were to have folded have all fired back at WIN, shooting WIN's expenses up to $23-$26 million per year.