RE: RE: RE: GOLD! OY VEH JERRY!!/vinoRoberto146, you are right on the money with your thoughts. Those leftist lunatics are lazy to do even basic homework.
They are the loudest and first to talk about current events, they don't understand what they are trying to build for their children and grandchildren. They should travel more and see what has happens around the world, what kind of pluses and minuses those countries posses and compare what they have. If these socialist countries are so good, why are they sitting in Canada and not emigrate there where that system is so good. They will soon notice that their children have a very limited upside potential, because the best position are preserved mostly for their own people(kids).
One of the biggest challenges in the near future is out of control overpopulation. What leftist convenient way do not want to talk about nor hurt 3rd world countries. If they only open their eyes they could see the spill over around him. If we will gone in that directions, we will have very soon the same conditions like India and China, standard of living will soon follow.
I am sorry to be a little out of topic.