insider selling??The world economy is going to hell in a turbo-boosted handbasket, the price of gold is showing signs of steady ascent and quantitative easing has turned into quantitative flooding which guarantees an inflationary firestorm in decades to come.
And here sits DGC, with 13 million oz. of gold (10 million measured and indicated!) in the middle of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt, the Shangrila of Canadian gold zones and the most lovey-dovey mining-friendly jurisdiction in the world, who is either going to bring this mine to production or, more likely, be bought out by the big boys...Goldcorp, wink, wink, nudge, nudge...
A deal has been agreed to that will see PLG shares converted into shares in DGC compared to which PLG now sits at a discount. Upon closure of the deal not only will the discount disappear, but it will have done so without holders of PLG having to pay transaction fees or taxes.
SO WHY, I ask you, WHY WOULD PLG INSIDERS HAVE BEEN UNLOADING BLOCKS OF SHARES LAST WEEK @ $2.50??!!?? Wait...don't tell me...they re-mortgaged their house to develop Detour Lake, they're behind in their payments and had no choice?! As hard as I try to understand the machinations of the market, s**t like this happens and just throws me for a loop. Help me out here boys & girls....let's brainstorm this baby...why would anybody be selling their PLG shares before the takeover in this environment?
Looking for Enlightenment, BB