RE: RE: RE: GXS on a Swamp??
I can't stop laughing at this post by stockmonster.
You should learn to listen to others who have an idea of what they are talking about, try to get an idea of whats going on yourself first before making the comments you do.
First off - I will try to help you with this topo map that i have posted numerous times - for you and the navigational impaired.
As the drag and drop posted to stockhouse will disappear after 5 minutes you can click the above link manually, then click box 63 and then click box63e, from there click on box 63f5 bottom left corner only. The symbols, those little weedy things for some of you guys, denote the massive sq kms of swampland in this area. Dead center on the map is the approx. location of the discovery provided you have followed the simple instruction above.
What's still got me laughing is where stockmonster says and quote "but regardless of the wetland status, if the resource is good enough tomine, it will be mined. you aren't going to sit on huge millionsof $$ of coal and say, oh well, it was a nice 18 mil spent. evenif needs be, you can mine it in the winter when everything is frozensolid - which it does at -45 Celcuis."
Whats wrong with this statement?? --- MUCH !!
Regardless of the HT picture post of the Diavik Diamond mine created in a lake at a cost of billions of dollars, you dont compare diamonds to coal - can you compare a 14 carrat diamond to a broken piece of glass from your windshield?
As i have said here before, some here just go along, nevermind any sort of cost effective cost prohibitive detail.
18 million to spend is private money - they have spent it and will double up on it or better along with the company execs and off the backs of investors before they even make it to the environmental permitting stage.
They can mine in the winter can they? - Wrong !!
By summer you would be flooded over after the thaw.
Shoring and banking up like they've done at the Diavik mine wont happen here as the area for coal not diamonds, if ever they show the tonnage feasible to mine is going to be infinately greater than any diamond mine.
The environmental and ecological impact to mine for coal in a wetland area of this size and scale virtually guarantees an insurmountable permitting process along with the cost prohibitive to economic feasibility issue.
Again i will say it, these ventures are undertaken to first and foremost, mine the pockets of investers, hope for the best, expect the worst and come what may afterward.
HT - my dog liked the the utube vid you posted - The mole and the coal - watched all of it intently.