Intel CRUSHING Wi-Lan in court!All WI-lan can do is whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. Wi-Lan is holding up the discovery process - I think they are worried that the house of cards will collapse. If pumpers weren't very worried, read through the proceedings, you will be. Don't say we didn't warn you.
Read the litigation updates on WIN's web site!
Let me explain something to Wi-Lan - this is a good forum, since all of the WI-Lan insiders are here.
The court doesn't give a CRAP about your opposition to scheduling. Intel is an indistry giant. Unlike you, they actually produce products. Thos of you reading this, open the hood of your pc and look, it is very probable that you will see and intel logo inside.
Intel has product release deadlines, shipping schedules, logistical issues, production issues. Wi-Lan has none of this. So whatever Intel needs, when they need it, THAT will dictate the schedule, troll. You got that?