Another Anomoly ?On April 17 2009 whaler asked this question "
So who or what is this selling? Anyone know or care to guess? "
I responded with the following:
Well, I noticed that there is now one less institution, 8 instead of 9 but that only accounts for 10,000 shares. I'm surmising the reason why, with 10,000 less shares held by institutions the total % is up from 10.82% to 10.84% is due to the NCIB factoring in. It's obviously not Newman on the BOD selling, other than that, one could guess, it's justnervous nellies."
At Reuters Institutional Holders website for ISM there appears to have been a lot of selling. I also now stand corrected, apparently it's not "nervous nellies" selling at all.
The % Shares Owned has dropped from 10.84% to 6.35%. Why Institutions are selling now is beyond me. What I really noticed is the number of shares that have been sold off. Previously, 7,850,460 Total Shares were held by Institutions now it's, 4,599,602 a difference of 3,250,858.
If you add the total number of
shares traded since April 17 2009 through May 25 2009 you get this total, 3, 233, 458. The Institutional Holdings however, have dropped by 17,400 more shares than have been traded.
If you think that is weird, when I first became aware of the drop in holdings May 13 2009, the difference in shares sold by Institutions and shares traded, was over 1 million. A glitch in the website? Maybe, but it's one that has been there for nearly 2 weeks. Noticeable, that in this time frame no one here has noticed, or even commented on it.
Find it hard to be believe that
all shares sold since April 17 2009 would have to of been Institutions getting out. Where the other 17,400 went who knows? Even harder to fathom why any Institution would be getting out with the phenomenal 43-101 that's about to be released.
Would be interested in reading others thoughts on this topic. In the spirit of what these BB's are intended of course. Personally, I have never noticed anything like this before, maybe someone else has, and has a plausible explanation.
Inspiration Mining Corporation (Toronto Stock Exchange)
As of 25 May 2009