Hey BP Cut That Out!
The trading action is ruining my portfolio numbers ... I thought this was a bull market in gold.
Kidding of course. Let the traders try and make a living swapping nickels and dimes with each other. Retail needs alot more reassurance before the big entry into the gold bull market comes.
Pleased with the NR and progress, we have a good asset and more to come, the paper is priced well and management is hanging in well for the long run. Like being on a well-run ship in a storm, hatches battened down, sailing fair off the wind, good man at the wheel. You can't speed up the market evolution, but every GM bailout, every new stimulus package, even the Fed as much as saying they will prefer inflation, it all adds to the lustre of the timeless value of the immutable, lusterous, mysterious yellow metal, wealth of kings since time immemorial.