The competittion, Who are they ?Here is a very good question for all NU-Lite investors.
Who is our direct competittion and what sepperates Nu-Lite from them?
For the bashers out there, ( and I say that knowing that there aren't that many out there, most reside at the UBS forum ) take a look, a good look at the managment team at NU-Lite, compare.
For the new to NU-Lite investors check out look at the projects completed and well underway.
With the addittion of the auction comming on-line Moday this is BIG VER BIG!
There have been some posts saying we should have the US side of running, yes I agree but only if the BUGs are ALL worked out. Canadians by nature are more foregiving and understand the trial 'beta' stage more politely ( now I hope I do not insult of offend our US investors here, but face it Canadians are polite, damn we're polite. Americans, if it is not working properly, ouch !!!!
Get it right the first time before you market it to the US! Or you will see this forum and many others like it turn ugly!
Take the extra time and when it's ready then let it happen! :-)
The revenues are starting to rev up here folks and so will the share price. IMHO :-)