Industry Canada LetterI would love to write a letter to industry Canada aboutthe purchase of look spectrum.
Can anyone could they help writing a strong letter asking for investigation.
Here are some main points i would like to make.
Look’s sale of next generation 4G spectrum to inukshuk partnershipwill significantly and adversely affect Canada’s future competitiveness incellular market and that the Government of Canada should review the situationclosely.
Clear oligopoly has formed with Bell,Telus and Rogers. Last year’s AWS auction only solidify therelinks. Bell and Telus are now partnering to buildout network. Rogersand Bell via Inukshuk. Preventing / Delay other major competitorslike Globalive from starting. Telusrecent build to question ownership structure is only to delay and create barriers to entry. I believe this may have prevented globalivefrom bidding on spectrum.
It doesn’t make sense that so many companies fought hard andpaid lot for 3.5G spectrum 4billion. Nownobody wants 4G spectrum, same spectrum Clearwire is rolling out and could beused for next generation LTE technology.We all know the value will be in the billions two years out. Look clearly rushed the auction.
Conflict of interest with Gerald T McGoey being ex-BCEpresident. This is a kin to Paulsongiving away Tresury money to Goldman sachs.Now a length investigation is under way.
If either Bell, Rogers, Telus were to obtain this spectrumit will cause reputable harm to Canada’sfuture competitiveness. Will not meetany of Industry Canada’s2009 Business plan key strategies, specifically fostering knowledge basedeconomy. We need to move quickly oncompetition policy review’s recommendation and allow foreign buyers to buy someof the smaller players and create a competitive environment