uve all been scammed! There is no gold or silver on this property. Does any one do due diligence any more? Go to Yahoo finance and read the message boards on this company. Go to the original prospectus and u will see SFMI is a subsidiary of Gold Corp Holdings and guess what? Gold corp is run by the same 2 idiots. Gold Corp bought the "mine" if you want to call it that for 300 k. No doubt someone was scammed here as well. Then SFMI was set up as a subsidiary of gold Corp. and Guess what? SFMI will pay 1 million a year lease to Gold corp ( alan and pierre) for a year for a property that cost only 300 k. and they collect big salaries too. and they get 15 % royalty if anything is ever found. Nice Scam. you put 300k down , get shareholders to cough up all lthe "real money". Then u pay urselves handsome salary and then get 1 million back in rent on a property worth 300 k. Loan sharking is anything above 26 % interest. These guys r getting 330 % interest on their money thanks to bozos like you. In their filing on June 30 2009 they have 83 dollars in cash . Thats it. Did u know it takes years to build amine.; do you think any jurisdiction will allow a mine to be built in 30 days with no environmental assessment. There is no gold here people, no mine, no cash. You have all been scammed. Read the fine print in the prospectus and you will see there are 2 professional con artists who in the last 5 years have had an internet company, another failed mining venture, a facial recognition software company and the list goes on. Read the essage boards on yahoo finance on this ticker symbol and you will see all u got is crap.