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Semafo Inc. T.SMF

Semafo Inc is a Canadian mining company with gold production and exploration activities in Burkina Faso. The company's main operations are in Boungou, Burkina Faso, and Mana, Burkina Faso. Boungou is a relatively new production site that is located in southeastern Burkina Faso. The Mana project, which has been in operation longer, includes the Siou deposit, which is about 20 kilometers from the Mana Mine in Burkina Faso. Semafo has developed exploration strategies for future deposits in West Afr

TSX:SMF - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by MASCAR2on Dec 04, 2009 12:49pm
Post# 16554863

RE: Jobs report encouraging US

RE: Jobs report encouraging USRecovery? Baloney. Gold is just warming up.
Bullboard Posts