RE: RE: RE: RE: Presently, its about Frac sand
Thanks for the valuable insights SpeedDemon and Nbr Cruncher. I hope that Victory comes up with some positive news soon.
I wonder what it would cost to remove enough overburden to provide 1.5 years of Frac Sand production and then while simultaneously mining the Frac, they would continue removing enough overburden for the following year of production, that is, until the Nickel project is funded.
I'd say roughly 27 acres at the frac sand surface in the initial pit would be necessary for mining as envisioned above. Problem is we don't know the shape of the frac deposits surface or its depth from surface, so we can't estimate the surface area after assuming side slopes to surface to calculate the approximate amount of overburden removed for the above idea.
I wish that Victory would do a study to determine the overburden removal cost for the above or a similar mining possibility to get the project started.