Solar Power & Sustainable EnergySustainable:
-strong/dedicated BOD / management team
-Daughty Hanson lead financing firm in STG, bay street supporting the stock & company
-Now a sales & marketing firm, with a commercial product.
-Product now installed in several euro countries:belgium, spain, czech, germany
-Partnerships pending VDE certification for france and germany
-TIF/Signet Solar believe that Paralex is the only way to install thin film solar
-Salicru a leading UPS provider to Europe has a private label deal
-News pending on German cell partner in Ontario
-News pending on Ontario inverter plant
-Projected 2010 revenue of 40million plus ++
Forget the endless wave of possibilities in ontario, and america, but some european countries want solar to represent 25% of their electricity mix by 2015-2020. WE are selling the equipment for these countries to meet their goals.
The industry is going through a radical shake up right now, with many large players now just getting their hands wet.
The fundamentals continue to grow with strong supporters behind the company. If the stock continues to slide I will be buying a lot of shares and I know of a few large hands that will be increasing thier positions.
At the end of the day, the stock must get OVER 60 cents for 30 DAYS min. so why people are pushing the stock price down is over my head.
The story has not even unfolded, they havent even made their ontario announcements, and people are selling?
The people selling now, must be related to the same guys selling me shares at .09cents.