TSXV:KUR.H - Post by User
Post by
mtlimpacton Mar 30, 2010 8:58am

Post# 16938401
Disapointed shareholders
Disapointed shareholdersI got an e-mail yesterday regarding a suit getting started by this group, problem is I cannot get any details. They want to chat online and are saying they are going to try and get 1/2 penny per share to pay the layers. Any of you guys know anything more, I don't mind paying a proven law firm but I am not dumb enought just to send money to anyone I don't know.
P.S. for all the people still hanging on to the 360 mln in tax lost, maybe you should check out the years in wich the can be used, it will put a damper on your hopes (the longer the are the less they are worth...more uncertenty about the tax rate to come for corporation !)
Keep on fighting don't give up