HWWas a great investment and maybe ur right, the RBI aquisition wil be judged a year from now. Gold is weirding me out and I'll tell you why. Oil went from low of about 34 dollars to about 87 peak. a 150 % increase. Copper bounced off its lows of about 1.30 to top out at 3.75, again almost a 200 % increase. For some reason the market has a hard time giving gold the appreciation that other commodities have enjoyed. I am not sure if its because we associate high gold with high fear or what the issue is. I think gold is at a turnnig point now. I think if it breaks 1250 to 1275 it can hit 1400 in a matter of weeks. However in my view gold has to be viewed as less as an inflation or "end of the world" staple in a doomsday scenario and be viewed as more of a great insurance product.
This way gold can appreciate with other commodities and we don't have the scenario where gold only rises sharply inversely to the overall stock index. We need a make over to make gold appear more freindly in all scenarios not just as a store of value in a an apopyyptic condition.