RE: Already making a SPLASH in COLOMIABy Google Translate
Aday after its debut on the Stock Exchange of Colombia (BVC), the paperregistered a 7.7 percent recovery in the TSX Venture Exchange, andreached a price of 0.97 Canadian dollars. This rally is more significant if one considers that until Wednesday, the title was won 25 percent in the year.
Accordingto experts, the presentation of the title in the BVC has generatedgreater interest from investors who focus their operations in the oilsector companies.
Againstthis background, it is possible that the title to enter the countrywith a higher price than you currently have in the Canadian market,
.97 Canadian, as happened after the arrival of Pacific Rubiales inDecember 2009. Currently the stock price of Canacol would be close to 1,650 Colombian pesos.
"Investorsexpect the arrival of the action of Canacol local market leads to amore dynamic and increase trading volumes of the title, this explainsthe increase in the price recorded at the meeting yesterday," said thedirector of economic studies Securities Advisors, Carlos Torres.
Analyze before you buy
Whilethe eyes of investors will be placed on the behavior of Canacol actionduring his first day on the BVC, experts say that the volatility of thestock does not make it suitable for all investors. Thiswas explained by the Securities and Exchange analyst, Andrea Camacho,who said the title of Canacol is a good investment opportunity and anopportunity to diversify portfolios. However, we must be clear that thisis a volatile paper with a significant risk profile. "