RE: RE: RE: Another Legal ActionRockbottom,
You say that the lawsuit was intended to shut me up, and it worked. What was accomplished by shutting me up? Other critics carried on with exactly the same valid criticism that I was making. So I took some time away from pointing out the red flags involved with the company, but I didn't have to take this time. I could have continued the criticism, ISM was not successful in getting any sort of an injunction that prevented me from posting. I decided to discontinue posting, only because I thought that continuing might make my fellow defendants feel compromised. I am now able to continue posting my opinion on the faults involved with this company, and I have every intention to do so. And I have more initiative to do so than would have been the case if ISM had not taken the action they did.
You ask who is the buffoon? Well I guess ISM management looks like buffoons. They made fools of themselves making a public statement that four posters in a chatroom caused a multi million dollar loss in their market capitalization. Everyone with an iota of market sense knew this was imbecilic at that time, it was confirmed by the fact that without the input of these posters, ISM managed to lose a similar amount in market cap during the period the lawsuit was active. In pursuing the SLAPP they named a shareholder in the lawsuit that was supporting Randy Miller with what he posted - that would again make ISM management look like buffoons, as I assume they instructed their lawyer who to name. And I guess you might end up coming out as a buffoon as well Rockbottom. You chose to use personal information made public as a result of the suit, to make libellous comments about me. As a result, I now have personal information about you. Even if I do not use this in legal action, I think you will feel somewhat compromised, knowing that someone has confirmed that you have shared IP addresses under aliases rocksolid47, drillbit 2008, trailorparkboy, and others. It may also make you feel compromised that the anonymity that gave you courage you otherwise didn't possess, is out the window. Your real life name, IP addresses, email, fax, telephone, and residence is now known to the person(s) you chose to berate. The very things that you posted, under your drillbit alias, is now known to the person(s) you thought you could kick when you thought they were down. I guess that makes you the buffoon too, Rockbottom.
You say I lost, but I think I won. I lost nothing, Rockbottom. I didn't lose the lawsuit - it was discontinued. I didn't lose my determination to stand up for what I believe to be right. And I did win. Along with the other defendants, I stood my ground against a man and a corporation that used a millions of dollars treasury to try and intimidate individuals without those resources - and the man and the corporation with the million of dollars had to back off! That's a win Rockbottom. It's something someone as spineless as you will never experience. What did you come out of this with? You showed the cowardice and lowlife character to post my name, my home address, my office address on this forum. You threatened to call at my business address and you threatened to report me to a professional association. Typical of your spineless behaviour, you reported me to a professional association, without having the backbone to sign your name to the complaint. You were willing to attempt to endanger my livelihood, when you were hiding behind anonymity. So it was you that lost, Rockbottom, on two counts. You showed yourself for the lowlife you are, and you lost your anonymity. And if I choose to act on the options I have available to me, you have a good chance of losing far more. In case you don't realize it, Rockbottom, the threats and privacy issues you chose to raise when you thought you were anonymous are more than just civil matters. And there's a trail right from the IP address on those posts to that house that you call home.
I'm not smoking anything, Rockbottom, and I don't need sleeping pills. You might consider picking up a supply.