While we wait...Thought I would post an old article that has a great deal of bearing on where we are at now with this stock. It's a 2008 article on Rob McEwen, but it holds a lot of information specific to this stock. Hopefully the attached link works for you.
Check out (if you have not seen this before) where he put his money at the time, why, and what has happend to those stocks since then. It's a pretty decent - great track record.
MacDonald has a group of deal makers behind it second to none. Rob McEwen, Pierre Lassond, Randall Oliphant, and Pinetree all invested in this opportunity some time ago. Unless I missed something, they are all still here. You just never know what you are going to get when it comes to news with these guys. Of course the drills have to do the talking, but with these guys, the deals are right behind, or in some cases alongside, the results. They are Major- makers.
Rob McEwen has made me a lot better off than before I began to follow his movements, and to some extent his philosophy. I have been in BMK for years now. Trade a fair bit, but always hold a core position. Was lucky to participate in it's big run to +$1, but that seems like a long time ago now. Recently it has been buy as close to .15 as you can, and sell for as much over .20 as you can. Good for something to do, but not what any of us are here for.
Just wanted to put the article out there for some new people who might not be aware. This is a great play, but it requires a LOT of patience. Supposedly, that pays off at some point.