RE: RE: Where's my calculator
Ripley's believe it or not, but i am still positive. I have seen it happen so many times before, when someone
hiding behind anonymous, Jitney or a mask, wants out. There are all kinds of reasons & my guess won't
be put forward at this time. Anyway, when i invested in this company, i classed management as 9 out of
10, so my faith is in management, who i feel quite confident will upright motor vessel Helio. The 43-101
tells the Helio story, close to 600K drilled & proven & 350K inferred, which needs some further drilling
before being lumped in with the measured & indicated. I could go on & on but rather than bore everyone,
i will just remind you all, to not forget their Damara Gold project in Namibia, which could possibly end
up being just as exciting as Tanzania. Forever optimistic.
R !