Turning Hard Times Into Good TimesSo where are we.I went back and listened to the Jay Taylor and Frank Candido interview Just type in that phrase and listen.Frank was asked pointedly when we would see assay results and was under no obligation to make a statement however sounding as proud as a peacock on Sept. 14 2010 that we were expecting assays any day now and that we could expect a LOT of assays from now untill Xmas and that they would have drawn a big enough picture for the market to see.This statement brings up another name Mr. Wes Hanson stating that we are on the cusp.Does anyone remember the saying Snake Oil Salesmen have we retorted back to the day.Now I have said in the past that Frank should be replace with a more experianced leader and before anyone jumps on this I am not sayinng he should leave the company but in the best intersest of the share holders he should step aside and this being his cash cow baby I now it will be a hard thing for him to do but IMHO it would be the right thing to do.And while we are at it lets get rid of Sasha these two are Chuck and Cheese.There has been to much talk and no action.When talking of liable suits we must look at where these lines have been drawn from.When statements like Frank makes an cannot follow through on people are naturally going to be upset.We will prove up 100 million tons this year.Have we is it possible me thinks not.Alot of people my self included believe in this company so it is with great sadness that I bring these statements forward and please do not say sell and move on who including Frank gives you the right to say such.When I here such things it is ussually that person that should be the one to move along.We are now 4 months behind on assays and we all know by now that the BS we have been fed that it is due to lab hold ups is now holding no water.Now is the time to sink or swim If Frank wants to play in the big pond and swim with the big fish he has to show a spine and drop the row.