Augen drills will missTRR's last news release implies that the width of the Cote Lake deposit has been closed off. We know that because the deposit is open along strike to the west and at depth. That implies the width is known.
The key for investing in Augen is therefore to determine the dip of the Cote Lake deposit because it could potentially dip north onto Augens land. If you look at TRR's cross sections you'll clearly see the deposit has a very steep dip. That's bad news and the reason why sophisticated investors like myself have chosen not to buy GLD shares.
Going back and looking at airbourne geophysics when TRR's drills have painted the picture is as dumb and stupid as is gets. How could results from a black box in a helicopter be more signifcant than drilling results?
Ignorance, lack of eduction, and inability to read and comprehend is a potent and dangerous mix. I'm referring to you Tenongold.