RE: BMO RESOURCE MUTUAL FUND HAS JUST MADE LARGE IThanks for the info. I checked into this and you are right. You must have a good source. The only reasons for the stock dive was BUK having other toxic assets and being part in this as well as the false or miss leading statement made by reuters. BP had a well failure, what occured with PXM was just a kick off of one of there many wells not correctly hitting the pay sand due to fault lines in the formation shifting. Not a big deal at all. Well needs a kick off or whipstock cement plug and reaim the bit and away we go. Not a major expense and definatly not a well failure. I am in contact with the services coming for the fracturing which should be imobilizing very soon. All of the wells drilled so far will be very profitable which you will see in the first or second quarter results as the wells are ready to be tied in right after the fracs. Everything is in place, I went and checked it out myself. The idiots that are willing to dump this stock @ .165 which will be valued at over a $1 on the books by mid year are retarded and will punching themselves once they see the stock skyrocket in the next couple weeks after the fracs are complete. Good Luck