RE: OpinionsHello Gang... Good day to all and not a bad start to the week.
Market did not jump on this because more assay resukts coming. Now they released this so when the others are released it will make these results seem pale and I think that is why we had delays... so they could see if the other holes were coming up as good... to show a bigger deposit as stated.
Si I think they have sent these assays awhile ago and now might have some early word that the others are good as well... so they release now to get this out there... I too thought it would bring more trading but these 3 hole assays are holding things.... us true longs are just gobbling up what comes along... I have been trying to buy for 2 weeks now and either do not get the trade... or no trades period. only 40 mil shares... we know us longs hold a good chunk of that.. management... so most of us now have shares over 15 cents... so now even unc Joe has to hold to make a few bucks.....
Now would be the perfect time for a Hemlo update... hear me IR dude.. Jim.. something to keep this alive until you have the assays back????
Have a great week again.. as we wait for nmore results.. hemlo's results were back in May... and not a word, good bad or ugly??