FOXYROLLERWhere is the Grand Puba? I think a little bit of :
Long and Strong
...or another invitation from INT ( according to Foxyroller for his fine work )
...or I still recall him saying there was a patent and that he was personally involved in...I have the link.
Come out come out where ever you are.
Want to make a bet he made a tonne here and is sitting on a beach at St.Lucia?
Smart bugger...learn folks.
Here ... let me help you LONGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS:
"I am a defender......not a pumper. Wrong description - sorry.
Notsure who sent the message because I am replying to Intervolved's replyto the basher's post. Proves I have the pond scum list pretty much upto date.
When this turns, it is going to snap back like crazy.Be aware and trade wisely. They want your shares. It's obvious. Iwarned about the volatility we would see a couple of weeks back. Hateto be right.
Think about it.....for every share they can scare out of weak hands, there is a willing buyer.
Ifthat wasn't the case, the stock would drop all the way back to 0.10 in ahurry. Great company. Have to shake through some of thisunfortunately however those who hold shares on the other side will reapthe huge reward imo.
Just watch. Or participate. It's your choice however don't let anyone else make your investment decisions for you.
Feel better now?
bears and bulls buddy....bears and bulls