Were getting closer!!This was a big hurdle to overcome......Our next step is the off-take aggreement(my guess with LBE)......I'm sure negotiation has been ongoing with several companies regarding the off-take agreement.......This would be the last step before production....Then CHING CHING we are into the money......I must agree 100% with our President(Kim Tyler) the Market will soon wake up and realise this company is for real.......Once production starts in Timmins the s/p should reach at least .20s/p, then the fun begins, our Kendbridge Property is next to get this HUGE project underway.....My only concern i have,CRO will still be out $70,000,000 in order to make Kendbridge productive(they need roughly $105,000,000 in total).....Hopefully the P/P will be at a much higher price than .20s/p or who knows what management is doing behind the scene......Hang tight all of you long, payday is just around the corner.....GLTA