lulu 60 % Made in China: Dirty Shysters
It`s amazing that Lululemon can exploit their workers as well as their customers so badly, they can laugh all the way to the bank... By cutting costs through third world labour and sweatshop-manufacturing operations and charging a premium for everything, the margins and profits are exceptional. But something has to give!
When the women that are actually wasting piles of money on this yoga crap wear sold by manifesto makin psychos realize they`re paying top dollar for Chinese Sweatshop made crap, they`re going to shop elsewhere, and boycott this evil company.
So Men if you wanna let the women know you don`t like to puss-ee wear lululemon!
If hope you all hate this company as much as i do!!!
One Day the shorts will make a killing on this name. one day...!!!
...Also I think lululemon may be mislabelling clothes as made in Canada that are actually made in China, Vietnam and Indonesia, and that would be a sweet lawsuit against lulu. They`re just not the small Canadian company they once were, they`ve become a greedy multinational shysters, and I dunno if Jayna`s family is sueing for wrongfull death or not... anyone else know if there`s a lawsuit over the Bethesda Murder...
*reposted because off all my typo`s*