GREY:AIIFF - Post by User
Comment by
spring2010on Jul 05, 2011 2:01pm

Post# 18797371
RE: RE: BAM just put management on notice
RE: RE: BAM just put management on noticeDo you have anything that backs up these plans? Or are you as hopeful as a lot of us that something will change for the better!
I already wrote about
"Who sold you this garbage financing that turned around and shorted the commons and went long the debentures?"
Like other posters your hope and change will come via Brookfield Partnerships Quinte
The commons just turned positive but the debentures were telling you this is a $10 stock way before BAM showed up and this board bashed everyone who agreed were faced with the following
"Naive and just down right ignorant and an insult to the intelligence of the person that is reading your fluff post"