If PR was a short form for Poor Relations then Cli
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by therecipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider forfurther information about the cause of this error. The error that theother server returned was: 550 550 5.1.1 <
kenbates@clinemining.com>... User unknown (state 14).
Above is the bounce back I received after attempting to send a message to Mr. Bates. However, ken.bates@clinemining.com is a deliverable address, and therefore, did not bounce back.
Recently, I decided to end my contributions to this board for fear of being accused of pumping, dumping or anything else ending in ING, and was rightfully called a coward. My reasons are two fold. Firstly, although money appears to come and go in this life, you cannot downplay it's importance. Anyone who says that money isn't everything has either never had any or has never had to buy their freedom. Personally, I could not live with myself if someone invested their money based on comments or opinions that I had expressed and lost it. Secondly, this board's content has degraded, and so has it's usefulness, in my opinion.
As for my email to Mr. Bates, I expressed my concerns regarding the complete lack of transparency and news flow. I cited the fact that I ascertain more data from TK Mining's web site as to the progress of NECC than I can off of their own. And, recommended that they retain a reputable Public Relations firm, moving forward, in order to address these concerns. I doubt I will receive any response, but, it felt good nonetheless.
Lastly, I do not understand the obsession with getting a buyout offer. This company, if they can ever get their $hit together, would be able to generate so much free cash flow that your children and your children's children would be the beneficiaries.