Big Picture hey guys,
i think its important to keep the big picture in mind when evaluating slx. for example:
1) the global economy is in inflationary mode with all major countries devalueing their currencies
2) with the US unable to grow itself out of the monetary hole its in, it will resort to another round of QE
3) anecdotal silver shortages as well as record lows of silver comex inventories
4) Hong Kong Merc. Exchange just started trading futures silver contracts, breaking the grip of NY and London shorts. this also opened up the market to over a Billion new participants
5) long term supply/demand imbalances in the industrial uses of silver
these are some of the larger issues that are going to affect the value of silver. a year from now, you will not care if you got in slx at .41 .61 or .81.
if you know of other items to add to the list, please go ahead and contribute.
also, i will leave you a link to a well researched website that evaluates slx in a novel way and shows you how undervalued it really is: