Mr. Bill Pearson reports
CastillianResources Corp. has released results for an additional eight diamonddrill holes that tested the downdip and along strike extension of thePit Zone, a near surface gold mineralized zone immediately southwest ofthe former open pit mine at its Hope Brook gold property. Previousdrilling confirmed that the Pit Zone extends at least 500 metres alongstrike (See Press Releases dated April 5, 2011 and June 6, 2011).
Significant results are given in Table 1 below. Highlights are as follows:-- 1.94g Au/t over 25.3m core length from 35.2m to 60.5m including 2.61 gAu/t and 0.10%Cu over 9.0m core length in hole HB11-033;-- 2.08 g Au/t and 0.10%Cu over 19.0m core length from 106.50m to 125.5mincluding 2.58g Au/t and 0.28%Cu over 6.3m core length in hole HB11-034;-- 1.23 g Au/t and 0.23% Cu over 29.4m core length from 190.9m to 220.3mincluding 3.17g Au/t and 0.49%Cu over 4.0m core length (3.0m true width)in hole HB-11-031; and-- 1.10 g Au/t over 15.7m core length from 42.0m to 57.7m including 4.32gAu/t over 2.5m core length in hole HB11-037.
"We are continuing to receive positive drill results across the Pit Zonewhich remains open along strike and downdip." Dr. Bill Pearson, P.Geo.,President & CEO of Castillian, commented. "We are planning tocomplete additional 100m fill-in lines of induced polarization on thepotential extension of this zone to the southwest to aid in spottingdrill holes. In addition, we are planning to test a potential bulktonnage target area immediately south of the former open pit mine.Deeper drilling is continuing on the Mine Zone and more results will bereleased as soon as they are available."
To date 29 diamond drill holes totaling 4,942 metres have been completedacross the 500m strike length of the Pit Zone as shown in Figures 1 and2, vertical longitudinal sections. All holes have intersectedsignificant gold values with several holes also having coppermineralization. Interpretation of airborne and ground geophysical dataindicates that the silicified zone hosting the gold mineralizationextends at least another 800m further along strike to the southwest.Responses for both resistivity indicating silicification andchargeability indicating the presence of sulphides along this additionalpotential extension are very comparable to responses across the 500mlong section already drilled.
Analysis of historical drill data in the open pit area indicates thepresence of mineralized zones with lower grade gold values above themain zone previously mined. This target zone is approximately 100m wideextending along the full length of the open pit immediately to thesouth. The historic core from these holes, however, was only partiallysampled previously due to the low gold prices prevailing at that time. Atechnical team is currently at the Department of Natural Resources corestorage facility in Pasadena, Newfoundland assessing the available corefrom the historical holes for additional sampling. This new sampleinformation along with historical assay data will be used to planadditional diamond drilling to test the potential of this target area.
Eight additional holes have been completed to further test the HangingWall and Mine Zones as shown in Figure 1 and set out below. Results forthese holes are pending. Since the start of drilling in September 2010, atotal of 47 holes totaling 13,202 metres have been completed at HopeBrook on all target zones of an overall planned total of 25,000m.
Table 1: Summary of Significant Drilling Results, Hope Brook Gold Project,July 27, 2011----------------------------------------------------------------------------Core TrueHole(i) From To Length Width Gold Copper Zone(m) (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (%)----------------------------------------------------------------------------Pit Zone----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-030 57.40 59.50 2.10 1.6 0.88 tr PZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------and 64.80 69.40 4.60 3.5 0.82 tr PZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------incl. 64.80 66.50 1.70 1.3 1.29 tr PZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-031 190.90 220.30 29.40 22.1 1.23 0.23 PZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------incl. 190.90 200.90 10.00 7.5 1.57 0.50 PZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------incl. 203.90 207.90 4.00 3.0 3.17 0.49 PZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------and 231.40 238.90 7.50 5.6 0.64 tr PZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------incl. 235.90 238.90 3.00 2.3 1.13 tr PZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-032 53.00 54.50 1.50 1.1 0.44 tr PZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------and 197.50 200.50 3.00 2.3 0.59 tr PZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------and 210.60 211.80 1.20 0.9 0.73 tr PZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-033 35.20 60.50 25.30 19.0 1.94 tr PZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------incl. 36.60 47.00 10.40 7.8 2.15 tr PZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------incl. 47.00 56.00 9.00 6.8 2.61 0.10 PZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------and 63.60 68.80 5.20 3.9 0.40 tr PZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------and 74.50 76.70 2.20 1.7 0.46 tr PZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-034 106.50 125.50 19.00 14.3 2.08 0.10 PZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------incl. 108.40 114.70 6.30 4.7 2.58 0.28 PZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------incl. 116.60 121.00 4.40 3.3 4.44 tr PZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-035 123.30 140.70 17.40 13.1 0.50 tr PZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------incl. 126.60 128.60 2.00 1.5 1.03 tr PZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-037 42.00 57.70 15.70 11.8 1.10 tr PZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------incl. 55.20 57.70 2.50 1.9 4.32 tr PZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-039 181.8 195.4 13.6 10.2 0.40 tr PZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-042 assays pending PZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-043 assays pending PZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Hanging Wall/Mine Zone----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-026 assays pending HZ/MZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-027 assays pending MZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-028 assays pending HZ/MZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-036W assays pending HZ/MZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-038 assays pending HZ/MZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-040 assays pending HZ/MZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-041 assays pending HZ/MZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-044 assays pending HZ/MZ----------------------------------------------------------------------------(i) Hanging Wall/Mine zone holes are NQ core size; Pit Zone holes are BQTK(40.6mm) core size HB11-036W is BQ core size (36.4mm)(ii) PZ = Pit Zone, HWZ = Hangingwall Zone and MZ = Mine Zoneincl. = including; tr = traceTable 2: Collar Coordinates and Orientations of Drill Holes, Hope Brook GoldProject, July 27, 2011----------------------------------------------------------------------------Elev. Az DipHole UTM Mine Grid (i) Length (ii) (ii)--------------------------------------------------Hole Easting Northing Easting Northing----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-030 417900 5287657 11381 5020 5109 214.3 325 -45----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-031 417981 5287578 11402 4909 5110 346.0 325 -48----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-032 417712 5287357 11053 4878 5116 279.0 325 -44----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-033 417669 5287499 11102 5023 5115 151.0 325 -45----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-034 417700 5287453 11100 5116 5116 197.3 325 -45----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-035 417647 5287378 11015 4939 5115 277.2 327 -67----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-036W(iii) 418103 5287492 11453 4769 5151 699.5 327 -67----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-037 417594 5287430 11001 5009 5104 130.0 322 -45----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-038 418058 5287650 11506 4923 5110 400.2 325 -66----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-039 417673 5287327 11006 4880 5111 351.0 325 -46----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-040 417988 5287662 11456 4974 5110 381.3 325 -66----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-041 418069 5287641 11511 4910 5112 471.8 325 -45----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-042 417641 5287450 11050 4999 5122 174.0 325 -45----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-043 417606 5287501 11051 5061 5119 120.5 325 -45----------------------------------------------------------------------------HB11-044 418192 5287568 11570 4779 5156 598.9 145 -45----------------------------------------------------------------------------(i) Elevations have 5000 m added to actual measurements to conform tohistorical practice(ii) All measurements are in metres except Azimuth (Az) and Dip which aremeasured in degrees.(iii) Hole11-036W was drilled as a wedged hole from historical hole CW-109with 427.0m of the total length of 699.5m actually being drilled.
The core (NQ (47.6 mm), BQTK (40.6mm) and BQ (36.4mm) is logged,photographed and then sawn in half with one-half sent to the laboratoryfor analysis and the other half retained and stored on site. All coresamples were prepared and assayed at ALS Chemex with sample preparationdone in Sudbury and analytical work in Vancouver. All locations of ALSChemex are ISO 9001:2000 certified. The entire sample received isweighed and crushed to greater than or equal to 70% passing 2mm (10mesh); a sample split of up to 1000g is then pulverized to greater thanor equal to 85% passing 75 microns (200 mesh) to produce a homogenizedsample. A 50g aliquot is used for fire assaying with an atomicabsorption (AA) finish to determine gold concentration. Copper isinitially analyzed using a four acid digestion ICP (inductively coupledplasma-atomic emission spectrometry) method. Any results for coppergreater than 10,000 ppm are assayed further by a four acid digestion and"ore grade" ICP method. Internal quality control includes the use ofblanks, duplicates and standards in every batch of samples. The Companyalso conducts internal check assaying using certified external referencestandards and blanks. Regular external check assays are performed at asecond certified Canadian commercial laboratory. Castillian also insertsexternal reference standards as well as blank granite drill core ineach sample batch as a further external check.
Mr. Dan Lee, P.Geo. Chief Geologist and Project Manager for Hope Brookand Dr. Bill Pearson, P.Geo., President and CEO of Castillian, both ofwhom are qualified persons as defined by National Instrument 43-101 ("NI43-101"), have reviewed and approved the scientific and technicalcontent of this press release.
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